Category: Blog

One Piece of Evidence is Incomplete: Methodology and the Genealogical Proof Standard Helps Tell a More Robust Family Narrative

The Genealogical Proof Standard states that we should do reasonably exhaustive research, as well as analyze and correlate our evidence (among other steps).[1] A common beginner’s mistake is to find a single document and believe research is complete for that person. Searching for more documents is the task of a […]

Keep Looking!

Always keep looking, don’t give up. Records are coming online all the time. A few years ago, I searched online records for Huntingdon County and other nearby counties in Pennsylvania, and what I was looking for was not available. Just last week, I did another search and found things that […]

ProGen graduate!

I have completed ProGen, the one-year study program for Professional Genealogists! It feels good to have completed the study program. I learned a lot. If you are thinking of becoming a Professional, or just want to learn more for your own family, consider a professionally-run program of education. ProGen website […]