I have not posted in a while, I’ve been crazy busy with work lately. But some updates are in order…

I am currently working in ProGen, a 12 month online study program working through the Professional Genealogy textbook. It’s like a college course on becoming a professional genealogist. I am in the group ProGen 37 as this is the 37th class that has worked through the book. So far, it is fascinating to learn about other people and what they are up to and what their goals are. This next month we will get busy with some research techniques. So glad I’m doing this!

I met with some cousins down south in San Diego a couple of weeks ago. I’ll keep them private as I didn’t ask permission to tell the public their names. They provided me with some photos from their personal collection, and I can scan them all and return the photos at a later date! When I do, I plan on including a burned CD or a USB jump drive of all the photos in a digital copy for them. That’s just a thank you to them for borrowing the photos for scanning. Some of these photos include my dad when he was a tiny tot more than 70 years ago! And photos of ancestors that died more than 100 years ago.

These cousins are technically my 2nd cousins, their mom and my dad are 1st cousins.

Building a home server to store all the photos and docs I have for genealogy, as well as all the personal and business stuff I have. That has been taking some time also. But so glad I have a home server. Extra storage for digital files, automatic backup of my wife’s and my own personal PCs, it’s great. Personal research has had to go on the back burner for now as life takes over. But I will return soon, including the photo scanning I’ve already started!

All for now, greetings to all.

Mark Cross

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