by Mark A. Cross

This article was published in the Association of Professional Genealogists Quarterly (APGQ) in September 2019.

This article is currently linked to the APG website as an example of articles in the APGQ. If you have trouble with that link, the direct PDF can be found here and also at the link below. If you are a member of APG, then the publication APGQ is a free benefit of membership. Non members can also subscribe to APGQ.

Enjoy reading! I anticipate other articles that will be published soon, but according to the APGQ contract, they have exclusive rights for 12 months, then I can post on my own blog provided I also state where it was originally published. Give credit where credit is due…otherwise known as providing a source citation! So, keep checking back!

Of course, if you share or link to this PDF for any reason, please give proper credit to the author Mark A. Cross and the Association of Professional Genealogists Quarterly (APGQ). Also please mention this blog.

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