Genealogy Jamboree 2021 will be Closed-Captioned!

I received an email from the Jamboree Blog, part of which is pasted below:
Closed-captioning was developed to create a way to include the hearing-impaired. During Jamboree’s 51-year history, inclusion has always been and continues to be our core value. We strive to create an environment that will benefit everyone, including different cultures, races, religions, and disabilities. Did you know that closed-captioned, as opposed to open captioned, means you turn it on? That means only those who prefer this benefit use it. While it was developed for the hard of hearing its benefits extend beyond. Its mainstream use is seen in restaurants or bars with TVs on. When the background noise is an obstacle, the captions at the bottom include everyone! So if your house is still full and noise is your norm, this tool will benefit you too. |
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