The Beginning Genealogy Class scheduled for May 9 has been cancelled.

Los Angeles County has extended their Safer At Home orders through May 15.

Also, the SCGS Library extends their closure through the end of May.

Stay safe, Stay at home.

Stay at Home Research

I find that I have more time to do my own genealogy research at home! Some companies are offering discounts for memberships, or other possibilities.

Ancestry is offering free at home learning opportunities for kids (and others young at heart) to learn about genealogy.

FamilySearch has always been free, the only requirement is to create a free online account., owned by Ancestry, is offering discounts for membership.

There are others out there; I am getting emails from various places that I have a membership with about discounts on other programs or products, including MyHeritage, American Ancestors, and more, that are specific to subscribers that already have a membership. Check your inbox.

Have fun, stay at home, stay safe.

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